List of Articles

  • Adan, A.; Vazquez, AS; Cerrada, C.; Salamanca, S. Moving Surface Extraction Based on Unordered Hexagonal Perfect Submaps Projection: Applications to 3D Feature Tracking. Image and Vision Computing Journal . Vol:0. No:0. . 2009.
  • Cerrada, C., Salamanca, S., Adan, A.; S., Pérez, E.; Cerrada, J.A. and Abad, I. Improved Method for Object Recognition in Complex Scenes by Fusioning 3D Information and RFID Technology. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement . Vol:0. No:0. . 2009.
  • L.Moreno, M.L.Muñoz, S.Garrido, D.Blanco. Materiales inteligentes: aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMA). Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales . Vol:0. No:0. pp:01-32. 2009.
  • S.Garrido; L.Moreno; D.Blanco. Exploration of 2D and 3D Environments using Voronoi Transform and Fast Marching Method. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT AND ROBOTIC SYSTEMS . Vol:0. No:0. pp:01-36. 2009.
  • L.Moreno; S.Garrido; D.Blanco. Differential Evolution solution to the SLAM problem. Robotics and Autonomous Systems . Vol:0. No:0. pp:01-30. 2009.
  • S.Garrido; L.Moreno; D.Blanco. Exploration and Mapping using VFM Motion Planner. IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement . Vol:0. No:0. pp:01-34. 2009.
  • S.Garrido, L..Moreno, D. Blanco. Exploration of a Cluttered Environment using Voronoi Transform and Fast Marching Method. Robotics and Autonomous Systems . Vol:1. No:0. pp:01-27. 2009.
  • S.Garrido, L.Moreno, M.Abderrahim, D.Blanco. FM2: a real-time sensor-based feedback controller for mobile robots. International Journal of Robotics and Automation . Vol:24. No:0. pp:01-19. 2009.
  • R. Fernandez, T. Akinfiev, M. Armada. Jumping height control of a low energy resonance robot. Automation and Remote Control . Vol:0. No:0. . 2009.
  • S. Nabulsi, J. F. Sarria, H. Montes, M. A. Armada. High Resolution Indirect Feet- Ground Interactions Measurement For Hydraulic Legged Robots. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement . Vol:0. No:0. . 2009.