Date: 11/12/2016
Place: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
The aim of this 13th Workshop was to present the results of several running EU projects of the members of the RoboCity30 cluster, some of them developed jointly by universities, companies, spin-offs and municipalities. The creation of synergies at regional – Madrid – and European levels is the main added value of this cluster.

Robocity 13
Date: 27/09/2013
Place: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
In this new edition RoboCity13 was a national meeting point around robotics for professionals, students and the general public. The experience gained in the 2012 edition, RoboCity12, the interest generated and the results supported this event.

Robótica Cognitiva (12th workshop)
Date: 04/07/2013
Place: ETSI Informática, UNED
Organizing Institution: UNED
Scientific Committee: Enrique Valero, Carlos Cerrada, Manuel Armada, Jose María Cañas, Carlos Balaguer, Rafael Aracil, Luis Bergasa, Miguel Ángel Salichs
Work Fields: New concepts in Human Robot Interaction (HRI). Human behavior in robots. Comportamiento humano en robots (verbal and nonverbal). Software architectures to support cognition in robots. Selection of actions and behavior sequences. Knowledge representation.

Robots sociales (11th workshop)
Date: 14/03/2013
Place: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés
Organizing Institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Scientific Committee: Javier Fernández de Gorostiza, Rafael Aracil, Carlos Balaguer, Carlos Cerrada, Miguel Ángel Salichs, Manuel Armada, Luis Bergasa, Jose María Cañas
Work Fields: Social robots

Robocity 12
Date: 07/06/2012-08/06/2012
Place: EPSII, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
RoboCity12 was planned with the vocation of being a national meeting point around robotics as an effort in R&D to achieve benefits for the citizens: personal robots and for elderly people, robots for public security, medical robots, social robotics, inspection robots, infrastructure maintenance,...

Perception in robotics (10th Workshop)
Date: 03/06/2012
Place: Universidad de Alcalá
Organizing Institution: Universidad de Alcalá
Scientific Committee: Luis M. Bergasa, Elena Lopez, Rafael Barea, Manuel Ocaña, Manuel Armada, Rafael Aracil, José María Cañas, Miguel A. Salichs, Carlos Cerrada, Carlos Balaguer
Work Fields: Sensor-based mobile robot localization, Multisensor fusion and integration, Sensor-based robot control, Distributed sensor networks, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, Computer vision in robotics, 3D reconstruction, Cooperative perception in robotics

Robots colaborativos e interacción humano-robot (9th workshop)
Date: 30/05/2011
Organizing Institution: UPM-CAR
Scientific Committee: Ernesto Gambao, Rafael Aracil, Carlos Balaguer, Carlos Cerrada, Miguel Ángel Salichs, Manuel Armada, Luis Bergasa, Jose María Cañas
Work Fields: Human Robot Interaction and collaborative work.

Robots de exteriores (8th Workshop)
Date: 02/12/2010
Place: CAR-CSIC, CAR, Arganda del Rey
Organizing Institution: CAR-CSIC, CAR
Scientific Committee: Manuel Armada, Jose María Cañas, Carlos Cerrada, Carlos Balaguer, Rafael Aracil, Luis Bergasa, Miguel Ángel Salichs
Work Fields: Field robots.